Author Archive for Kat Chandler

The Nativity Story by Year 2

The children in Year 2 have been learning how to use Photostory.  After choosing images to import they sequenced the pictures to tell the story of the Nativity, then added and formatted captions for these images before using a microphone to record…

Clever Coding, Year Two!

The children in Year Two have been working very hard at coding.

We have been learning how to sequence instructions to make an algorithm work properly so that it solves a problem or puzzle, as well as how to debug an algorithm that doesn’t quite do what it should.  There has been some terrific teamwork, real persistence and lots of good fun – we have learnt lots!

Wonderful Artwork in Early Years!

[Not a valid template]The Reception class have been learning to use the school laptops!  They have made great progess with logging on independently and using the trackpad to control the mouse pointer on the screen.  Double-clicking and using ‘click and drag’ are a real test of their fine motor skills but all of the class have done brilliantly – and had great fun. We are very impressed with their beautiful pictures of our baby chicks.