Author Archive for admin_stg

Whatever floats your boat

Year 3 have started enquiry week by finding out about forces. We discovered which items will float and which will sink. We’ve also started to think about the design of objects and made 3D shapes using nets. We’re looking forward…

Keeping cool in Cool Time

We took advantage of the beautiful weather today to have our Cool Time sewing group outside in the shade. We’ve been using felt and binca to practise our sewing and cross stitch skills and we’ve even made up our own…

Music lessons

Due to our ‘special work’ going on this week, Mr Wilton’s music lessons will take place on Thursday afternoon (12th May). Remember to bring your instruments!

George the guinea pig

Sadly we have had to say goodbye to George recently as he had become very ill. George had been a very lucky little guinea pig, having been found abandoned on our school field in June 2014 by some children at…


Now advent has begun we are all starting to get very excited for Christmas! Today the children decorated our class Christmas tree with tinsel and baubles, practised wrapping presents to help the elves in Santa’s workshop and even made some of their own wrapping…