What are the arrangements for handling complaints from parents of children with SEN about the provision made at St George’s?

At St George’s Primary School we operate an ‘open door’ policy. Parents and carers are encouraged to speak with the class teacher about any concerns they may have. They will be able to discuss additional support children are receiving.

We hope that we can all work together to see your child make good progress.  If, however, you have a concern or complaint about the way we have supported and helped your child, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Discuss the matter with the class teacher.
  2. If the problem is not resolved arrange a meeting with the SENDCo.  It may be appropriate for others to be involved in the meeting (e.g. the class teacher or the Headteacher).  You can also speak with the SEN Governor.  We will make every effort to resolve the matter in school.
  3. If the problem still remains unresolved you can meet with a representative of the Local Authority.

The School’s complaints policy is on our school website. This includes complaints around SEND and Looked after children. The policy can also be obtained by requesting a paper copy from the school office. Please follow this policy if you would like to make a formal complaint. In the first instance discussions would be encouraged by the class teacher, SENDCO and Headteacher to try and resolve any issues.

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