Year 3 & 4 Rotation


On Friday afternoons Years 3 & 4 join for Rotation activities. This year we have five groups.

Miss Birkinshaw’s group are developing our map reading skills. We will use the programme ‘Digimaps for Schools’ to locate our school and our homes. We will then use the programme to see what our local area looked like in 1820 and the children will record similarities and differences. In the second session we will visit the Yorkshire Museum where they currently have an exhibition about William Smith’s very first geological map. We will find out about William Smith’s life and discuss how technology has changed the way maps can be created.

Mrs Harper’s group are learning about rivers and mountains. We are making models of river basins using egg boxes, paper, card and modroc.


Miss Gray’s group will be learning about Earthquakes. We will get time to do our own research to create a poster for others to learn from. We will also do a news report about an earthquake.

Earthquakes (2)Earthquakes (1) Earthquakes (3) Earthquakes (4)















Mr Myers group are looking at the lives and habitats of bees and planting fruit and vegetables in the allotment.

garden Garden1








Mr Farrow’s group are learning about capacity and volume. We are using water and measuring equipment to estimate and accurately measure using the correct units of measurement and converting from millilitres to litres.