How are children supported between phases in Education?

At St George’s, transition meetings for all children with SEND are well established. When children move up to secondary school, the heads of year and/or SENDCOs from the relevant secondary school will visit St George’s to discuss the child’s needs with the SENDCO and Y6 teachers. In Year 6, some children will have additional visits to their chosen secondary school prior to the Welcome Day which is for all children. At the transition meeting with parents, a careful plan is put in place to support an individual child’s needs and to ensure that they have the best possible start at secondary school. For children with an EHCP, this process will begin in Year 5.

Throughout the year nursery and reception work closely on transition and the free flow set up supports this. In the Summer term before children enter Reception, they are invited to attend ‘New Starter’ days where they have the opportunity to practice being reception children and meet their new class teacher. The same happens throughout school so that all children have transition days with their new class teacher in their new learning environment. If required, additional transition days can be included in an individual plan to support the transition process.

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